Showing posts with label how to get rid belly fat without exercising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to get rid belly fat without exercising. Show all posts


How To Get Rid Belly Fats Fast | Very Easy Steps at Home

Many of us have problems with our belly fats. Especially when we are getting older. If you are overweight or lack of exercise then there's a tendency that your Belly fat will get bigger. What can we do to minimize it?

How to reduce belly fats? This is probably one of the questions we want to see right away the result and answer, especially for women. A person's confidence increases when he or she is physically fit. Aside from being healthy and away from illness, it is not a bad idea to have a good body. It's not just overnight. It requires proper care and discipline, especially when talking about belly fats.

People with belly fat have a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Certainly today, many would agree that belly fat is officially an abundant source of our existence.

How To Get Rid Belly Fat | Very Easy Steps
How To Get Rid Belly Fat
Here are some advice and tips in How Get Rid of Belly Fats.

1. Drink one glass of water before eating. The water will make you feel saturated and you will eat less.
2. Eat more often but less food only. Banana and apple can be your replacement for your snacks.
3. Eat less rice. If before you are eating two cups of rice, now make it one cup of rice.
4. Eat slowly. If you eat slowly you feel more satisfied and less likely to eat.
5. Exercise 3 to 5 times a week. Try exercising aerobic from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
6. Strengthen your abdomen muscle. Learn to exercise to strengthen your stomach, such as stomach crunches.
7. Have the right posture. Don't be a hunchback by sitting and standing.
8. Avoid sugary drinks such as soft drinks, iced tea, and juices. It will increase your weight and belly fats.
9. Eat your breakfast daily. If you don't eat your breakfast you will be more hungry at lunchtime, the result is you will eat more.
10. Reduce your alcohol and beer consumption. It's one factor of your belly fats.
11. Reduce eating salty foods. Salt and salty foods can cause swelling of your body.
12. Eat 2 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit daily. Avoid fatty and greasy foods.
13. Walk often and climb 1 or 2 floors of stairs.
14. Reduce stress and get enough sleep.
15. Be hardworking. Just keep up the good lifestyle and exercise regularly to keep your belly fats from growing.

5 Effective Home Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

The effective way to lose your belly fat is by exercising. If you really want to lose weight, you may have to spare an hour of exercise daily to target and reduce belly fat.

1. Crunches
The most effective exercise to burn fat is crunchces. This is the number one fat-burning exercise. The main target of crunches is your lower and upper abs. The most perfect exercise for losing belly fat.

2. Mountain Climbing
Mountain climbing exercise is designed to imitate the actions when climbing a mountain and this is excellent at burning fats.

3. Bicyle Crunches
Keep your shoulders lifted off of the floor without pulling on your neck.

4. Forearm Plank
Draw shoulders down your back, Fingertips should be straight forward in line with your elbows, keep you abdominal muscles engaged, Forearms should be shoulder-width apar with elbows directly under shoulds.

5.Lying Leg Raises
Lying Leg Raises exercise targets your lower and upper abs.


Physically fit requires physical, mental and emotional balance. The measures are taken for reducing belly fats also contribute to overall health. Just be sure not to focus too much on being thin and losing weight, especially if you are not monitoring whether your weight ratio is still healthy with your age, height, and health condition.
Work with health professionals to reach your goals for your body to ensure that the methods you practiced are safe and effective for you.