Showing posts with label how to get rid a cough naturally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to get rid a cough naturally. Show all posts


How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy And Very Effective Home Remedies

There are different causes for cough and this can vary from cure. For the sake of understanding, cough can be caused by a virus or bacteria. If it is caused by a virus or your infection, it can disappear in a day or a week. But if it is caused by bacteria, it usually requires antibiotics. However, there are also types of coughs that are severe, such as chronic cough, which can be caused by tuberculosis (TB). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or other common causes of asthma are not uncommon. There are also coughs caused by a smoking cigarette (Smoker's cough), flu, or allergy. At this point, it is important to know the cause of the cough before finding or creating a solution to remove it.

Cough don't choose when to attack. Whether it is the rainy season, summer or winter, this disease is will suddenly attack. You will definitely agree here because you have (or repeatedly) been coughing.

Cough is a type of symptom that can be connected to the lungs or respiratory tract and can vary depending on the 'bacteria' or 'virus' that causes it.

Like the weather, coughs also don't choose in age or sex. It can be experienced by children or adults, whether it could be a boy or a girl. This disease is a reaction that comes from the human body to release or to remove the phlegm, colds and other irritating things in the lungs and airways.

Here are two types of cough, the DRY COUGH, and a WET COUGH. 

How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies

1. The WET COUGH seems to include phlegm. It is caused by many other diseases, Like PNEUMONIA (sometimes it's dangerous) and Cold, when our nose is full of cold sometimes it drops to our throat this is called POST NASAL DRIP and these could cause a cough. So if your experiencing wet cough there are somethings you can try to get rid of it. Here are some.
  • Steam inhalation - Inhalation of water vapor helps when we have a cold or cough, you can add essential oils or herbs like eucalyptus, this can help to loosen up coughs.
  • Steam inhalation Procedure - Boil 2 liters of water or 8 glasses of water, after that wait for 10 minutes before transferring the boiled water to the bowl or container. After that get a towel and cover your head with it. Your distance must be 6 inches from the bowl or container so that you will not get burned. Inhale and exhale for 2 minutes then rest. You can do this for 10 minutes 3 to 4 times a day if you have a cold and cough.
How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies

  • Honey and Tea - Put 2 teaspoon of honey in your cup of tea, because the honey reduces the cough. Remember that wet cough can last for almost two weeks. And this is normal.
How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies

  • Nasal Saline Solution - is very effective, It can dry our nose which can help in our cough.
How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies

  • Drink plenty of fluids or water this includes chicken soup, fruit juices. 
How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies

  • Get some rest and sleep 7-8 hours a day.
How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies

2. The DRY COUGH seems to have an obstruction in the throat. You don't feel any phlegm. This may happen because of the other diseases like silent reflux, asthma or flu. Here are some easy steps to get rid of dry coughs.
  • Ginger can help your dry cough. You just need to put the ginger in one glass of water you can also add lemon or honey to make it delicious.
How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies

  • Silent Reflux - If the acid goes up from your stomach to your throat. The treatment of your silent reflux is the same for your stomach gas pain. This comes from your unhealthy lifestyle like smoking, drinking and eating unhealthy foods like salty and fried food, so please STOP all of this. And if your extremely stress just RELAX. There is also medication for this like Gaviscon which you can buy in pharmacies. This medication reduces your acid in your stomach. There are a lot of medications out there just ask your physician what's good for you.
How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies

  • Asthma - If your dry cough is caused by asthma then you need an inhaler. You can try Salbutamol or better ask your doctor.
How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies


It is not uncommon for people to use herbal medicine to treat common diseases such as cough. And of course, it still helps to strengthen your body. It also avoids the many side effects that regular medication may have. At this point, it is also worth keeping in mind that some of these herbal or natural home remedies often only reduce cough, but if taken regularly they may also permanently remove the cough.


For coughing, the most common remedy is salt and water. This helps soften the phlegm so it can be easily released from the respiratory tract.

All you need is:
1 glass of water
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt

Take 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon salt and mix in a glass of water. Blend well until the salt has completely dissolved. Gargle it until the irritation of the throat disappears.


Honey has been found to be more effective in curing than medicines that can be bought in drugstores.

It is proven to be an effective sedative, rich in viscosity and rigidity that can aid in the treatment of cough. It also has antibacterial properties from enzymes that bees bring every time they harvest honey that reduces the duration of your cough.

All you need is:
1 tablespoon honey

Take a tablespoon of honey and drink it once or twice a day as needed. It is best to take it immediately before going to bed if the cough is interfering with your sleep. For children, it is important to adjust the dosage of consumption from one teaspoon or one tablespoon.

NOTE: Although it is effective for most, young or old, it is not recommended for children under two years old as it can cause botulism or muscle paralysis.


Ginger has volatile oils that soothe the throat. To reduce cough, Boil ginger and drink it. The spicy taste of boiled ginger helps to soften the hard sputum in the respiratory tract, which if consumed continuously can relieve cough. It can also be mixed with peppermint to make the cough go away.

All you need is:
4 cups of water
1 cup honey
3 tablespoons chopped ginger
1 tablespoon dried peppermint (Optional)

Chop the ginger and mix the herb with four cups of water. Boil at a moderate temperature and allow to boil until the water becomes half and then filter. Let it cool slightly before mixing in a cup of honey until it is completely melted. Put in the bottle and take one tablespoon every hour until the cough is gone. Put in refrigerator. It may be kept for up to three weeks from its completion.

Shrub or five-leaved chaste tree is one of the most popular medicinal plants that cure cough apart of oregano. This helps in softening the hard and sticky phlegm which blocks the airway. It also helps relieve many diseases besides cough, such as colds, asthma, sore throat, rheumatism, body aches, and diarrhea.

All you need is:
Shrub or five-leaved chaste tree leaves

Take the leaves and chop them until half a cup is formed. Then boil it in two cups of water for at least ten minutes. And for more effective treatment, take half a cup three times a day.

Lemon or calamansi has proven its use in curing common diseases such as coughs and colds because it is naturally rich in vitamin C. It is often made into juice which extracts its juice and is mixed with warm water. But for more effective use of lime, find out what kind of cough you are experiencing and follow the steps.

All you need is:
Lemon or calamansi

For a dry and sticky cough: Take 10 fruits of the calamansi or lemon. Slice them into the center and strain it while squeezing the juice into a glass. Add water and ideally estimate the temperature to be lukewarm. Then mix two tablespoons of red sugar or honey if any. Mix well and drink. Repeat this three times a day or after four hours if necessary.

For extreme phlegm: As above, take 10 fruits of the lime. Slice it into the center and squeeze. Filter to separate the seeds from the extract. Add warm water until the glass is full. Add a tablespoon of salt and estimate the mixture to your taste. Blend and drink slowly until it runs out. Do this three times a day.

OREGANO OR POT MARJORAM (Origanum vulgare) 
Like the Shrub, oregano is one of the most well-known herbs that treat the most common type of cough. It also has a distinctive odor that can be found in the yard. Its leaves are most often used in the treatment of disease.

All you need is:
Oregano leaves

Take 15 oregano leaves or more until one cup is filled. It is also advisable to pick the leaves to avoid leaves that are damaged by insects. After this wash the selected leaves. Boil in three cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. Let the heat cool down a bit until it can drink. Take it three times a day: morning, noon, and night. If you are uncomfortable with the bitter oregano, it may also be mixed with lime, sugar, or honey.

NOTE: If you are experiencing other symptoms like flu, Shortness of breath, or coughing up blood, unexplained weight loss. You need to consult a doctor these may be caused by a dangerous disease.

How To Get Rid A Cough | Easy Home Remedies