Showing posts with label how to prevent uti after sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to prevent uti after sex. Show all posts


How To Prevent UTI | Very Simple And Easy Ways

The right thing to do and the right medication for UTI are so many and so wide. UTI affects all genders. There are many symptoms of UTI that are not very noticeable especially when we are to busy. UTI, if not treated immediately, can cause even more serious illnesses. First of all, a person should be wise to avoid this disease.


UTI is the acronym for a disease called urinary tract infection. It is the infection of the urinary system where bladder and urethra are included. The bladder is the organ that collects and keeps urine. The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder for release. There are two types of UTI: cystitis and urethritis. Cystitis is a bladder infection while urethritis is an infection of the urethra. The solution to this is to take a medication for a few days.

UTI is the infection of our urinary tract system or the urinary tract. The urinary tract system includes the bladder where the urine accumulates. The urine passes through the urine urethra out of the body.
The main cause of UTI is the bacterium escherichia coli or better known as “E. Coli ”that penetrates our bladder and urethra.

Women or girls are more likely to have urinary tract infections . The most common bacterial cause of UTI is E.coli. These bacteria are found in the human intestinal tract. Improper cleaning after use of the toilet bowl may cause the transfer of E.coli in intestines into the urethra.


Women are more likely to experience UTI because their reproductive system is near the bloodstream. While menstruation is not as common as men's UTI, there are more complications they may experience.


There are many causes of UTI. When a person is sexually active, the risk of UTI is higher. E.coli bacteria enter the urethra if they are not properly cleaned after removing dirt. Poor drinking water can increase bacterial growth. Avoid holding back your urine to keep bacteria from getting worse.
  • Diabetes
  • Tumors in the urinary tract
  • Other types of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus and Chlamydia
  • Use of birth control pills
  • Pregnancy
  • Uncontrolled urination or urinary incontinence
  • Having sex with a UTI or with other people
  • Because there is a so-called secretion that causes the disease to pass.


 Read carefully to find out if it fits in what are you experiencing.

  • It hurts every time you pee
  • Frequent urination but gradually
  • Painful intercourse
  • The urine is too yellow or red
  • Lower back pain
  • A weakness of the body
  • Pain under the ribs
  • Bad odor of urine
  • When it comes with blood or pus
  • There is vomiting or dizziness
  • Fever
Spinal cord injury or other nerve damage is also one of the reasons why it is difficult to urinate. If there is a backflow of urine due to tumor, kidney stone, or enlarged prostate, bacterial growth in the urethra may worsen. Diabetes and other diseases can lower a person's immune system to fight infection.

As a woman, it's natural to have hormones change. Thus, pregnant women with many hormonal changes are at greater risk of developing UTI.

If the pelvic muscles are weakened after childbirth, old age, or because of genetics, the chance of infection may increase. When a woman experiences menopause, the skin of the vagina and urethra becomes dry and thin. Therefore, the risk of developing UTI is higher when a person is older.


To treat urinary tract infections in the body, many medicines and many natural remedies can be used. Natural remedies are great to use for the prevention of infection. Be informed consumers and do not try to make your own diagnosis.

The doctor's first step is to get the patient's urine sample. This will be used to determine if a person has UTI. The laboratory will create a bacterial culture to determine the type of bacteria present in the urine sample provided. The most common oral drugs that are given for patients are Amoxicillin, Bactrim and Ciprofloxacin. Depending on how severe the infection is the dosage the doctor will provide.

Older children can use a specimen cup to get a urine sample. Children who are not yet able to use the toilet are placed in plastic bags to get urine. Children who are still using a diaper may insert a catheter or tube into the urethra to get a urine sample. The baby can be taken with urine using a syringe placed on the bladder. Children who have UTI often should go to a nephrologist or kidney specialist. An ultrasound can be performed on the child to see if there is a problem with the kidney. The voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is performed to determine if there is a problem with the urethra or bladder. Nuclear scans use low levels of radioactive fluids to determine if the kidneys are functioning properly. Computed Tomography or CT scan is a type of x-ray that provides detailed images of bladder and kidney.

If the urinary tract infection is not severe it is called “uncomplicated”. When taken "complicated", it means that the ureters or tubes that carry urine into the kidneys are reduced so that the bladder releases urine into the body. It is also possible to have blockage due to kidney stones and enlarged prostate for men. Complicated infections will be given larger dosages of the drug or may need to be confined to the hospital.

Usually taking antibiotics or UTI medicine is about two to three days. Chronic infection may take a week or so. After consuming antibiotics, it is advisable to go to a doctor for a follow-up check-up. The prescription drug for the UTI must be consumed altogether because if it is stopped immediately before the dosage is reduced, the UTI may return. Some bacteria live in the urinary tract and can never be replaced with antibiotics. All bacteria in the urethra need to be eliminated to prevent infection.

The solutions that can be made at home with the use of UTI medicine are to drink plenty of water. A frequent cause of UTI is the lack of water in the body. Urination is very frequent when drinking lots of water which helps release bacteria. Take Vitamin C for increased UTI resistance as well as urine acidity. It is an effective way to eliminate bacteria that can cause infection. A healthy diet of fruits and vegetables that are nutritious in Vitamin C is also helpful.

The solutions that can be made at home with the use of UTI medicine are to drink plenty of water. A frequent cause of UTI is the lack of water in the body. Urination is very frequent when drinking lots of water which helps release bacteria. Take Vitamin C for increased UTI resistance as well as urine acidity. It is an effective way to eliminate bacteria that can cause infection. A healthy diet of fruits and vegetables that are nutritious in Vitamin C is also helpful.

Drink pure or unsweetened cranberry juice to prevent bacteria from entering the urinary tract. Taking a glass of cranberry juice daily lowers the chance of getting UTI. You can also take cranberry capsules for a similar effect on pure juice.

The following antibiotics are most commonly used against UTI. Important: Practice consulting with your doctor first before taking any medication.

  • Nitrofurantoin
  • Sulfonamides
  • Amoxicillin
  • Cephalosporins
  • Doxycycline
  • Ciprofloxacin


1. Avoid sitting in dirty toilets
- This is because the bacteria can easily climb in our bladder

2. Wear underwear made of cotton
- Wearing tight or nylon underwear causes sweating that can cause germs to increase.

3. Do not stop urinating
- Our urine contains germs that, when not excreted it will accumulate in our bladder

4. Avoid using strong chemical products such as
- Feminine wash
- Synthetic napkins (recommended use of tampons)
- Strong Smell or scented wipes

5. Avoid eating salty foods
- Eating it causes kidney disease that causes urinary incontinence (UTI symptoms in men).

6. Drink diuretics like coconut juice or cranberry juice
- The diuretic helps to keep the urine regular. Drink six to eight glasses of juice a day. Taking it often is a good antidote to UTI because our urine will flow properly.

7. Wash our genital area properly after excretion
- The right way to wipe is from front to bottom. This is especially important after excretion to prevent bacteria from entering the urethra.
- Practice urinating and cleaning the genital area immediately after intercourse

8. Regular ultrasound, PAP smear, and urinalysis
- The PAP smear or PAP test is a doctor's method (using a speculum) for examining the vagina and cervix and to extract cells and mucus from the cervix. The cells and mucus available will be examined to determine if they are normal.
- Cells obtained with the Pap Test can be used for HPV Testing or to test if the person has human papillomavirus (HPV). It is also a way to determine if you have cervical cancer, genital warts, and other diseases in the genital area.
- Urinalysis is the diagnosis by a urine test to determine if you have UTI or other urinary infections.


Neglecting UTI can lead to a variety of more serious illnesses. When infection increases in our kidneys, it can spread to other organs of the body such as urethra (urethritis) and bladder (cystitis).

There is a chance that a person has UTI over and over again. In cases where you have had UTI three or four times, it is advisable to undergo Ultrasound and CT scans to determine if it is linked to other diseases especially if a person is diabetic, so it may be more complicated.